Thank you for your interest in Shori-kai Karate and we hope you enjoy your Trail Lesson.

On completion of the online form you will be given a complementary 28 day membership and insurance. All students must be insured in order to participate. This covers third party member to member liability up to £1,000,000.

By the end of the 28 day period, we hope that you'll want to continue training with Shori-Kai-Karate, but you will need to become a member. A lifetime membership is currently £30.00 and this is a one-off fee.

After your free trial lesson, class fees are payable at £7.00 per lesson, or you can save money by purchasing lessons in advance – see

Please consider that you will need to purchase a uniform and protective equipment in due course. Uniforms are £25 for child sizes which includes a badge and adult sizes are £30. A complete set of protective equipment starts from £35.00 and will be required after 3 months of training, when we begin to introduce non-contact sparring.

We do our utmost to keep membership and training affordable. There are no other costs aside from class fees, uniform and protective equipment mentioned above, and there are no annual fees. 

Please read the relevant Assumption of Risk statements below - one for Junior and one for Adult


Martial arts – as with all sports – carry an inherent risk of injury or harm and it is essential that you are fully aware of these dangers before permitting your child the opportunity to participate in our class. Please read carefully the following document and sign only if happy to proceed.

Martial Arts carry inherent risks. Whilst your instructor will always do what is possible to minimise these risks and mitigate the possibility of harm occurring, there are certain dangers that are unavoidable.

Because of the nature of martial arts there is a managed exposure to potential risks throughout training with SKA Karate. We do however operate a strict non-contact policy when sparring. Risks could include Slips, Trips, Sprains, Falls, Cuts, Abrasions, Contusions, Swelling and other injuries.

Whilst the club’s safety record is exemplary, it’s important to us that you understand the nature of what your child is about to participate in, and that you are happy to assume all risks having been made aware in advance of what these might be.

We train in Karate and there is an element of physicality within all of our classes, and general physical activity is part of the training. As stated previously, we do have a strict non-contact policy when sparring, however accidents can happen.

All participants have the right to stop training at any point should they not feel comfortable performing any set technique or exercise, and they are under no pressure to complete any drill, technique or exercise if they do not wish to. The instructor will make clear before the session all rules and important safety guidelines. We ask that you remind your child of this.

If you do give permission for your child to participate within the class we ask that you take a moment to consider the nature of self-defence training and the techniques this might entail. Injuries are uncommon, but we cannot offer any guarantees. Your child’s co-operation with fellow students, and their attention to the instructor is essential and we would ask you to, as condition of their participation, ensure they listen to instructions carefully to help avoid injury.

You are welcome and encouraged to speak to the instructor if you’re not completely at ease with the risks being assumed, or not completely confident about what our classes entail.

Please ensure the instructor is aware of any medical conditions or injuries relevant to your child BEFORE the class commences. Thank you.

having read in full the above assumption of risk disclosure, confirm that I am happy and willing to provide acceptance to the assumption of risks as presented on behalf of my child and do so with a clear understanding of the potential risks. I have done so in my own confidence and wish for my child to participate.


Martial arts – as with all sports – carry an inherent risk of injury or harm and it is essential that you are fully aware of these dangers before taking part in our class. Please read carefully the following document and sign if happy to proceed.

Martial Arts carry inherent risks. Whilst your instructor will always do what is possible to minimise these risks and mitigate the possibility of harm occurring, there are certain dangers that are unavoidable.

Because of the nature of martial arts training, you will be exposed to many potential risks throughout your time training with SKA Karate. These include, but are not limited to, Slips, Trips, Sprains, Falls, Cuts, Abrasions, Contusions, Swelling and in some more uncommon cases, breaks and other injuries. Whilst the club’s safety record is exemplary. it’s important to us that you understand the nature of what you are about to participate in, and that you are happy to assume all risks having been made aware in advance of what these might be.

We train in Shotokan GojuRyu and Self-Defence Techniques. We also combine fitness drills into most of our training, with some key martial arts based fitness and martial arts based conditioning too.

You always have the right to stop training at any point should you not feel comfortable performing any set technique or exercise, and you are under no pressure to complete any drill, technique or exercise if you do not wish to.

If you do continue with this class and any subsequent classes we ask that you take a moment to consider the nature of a Martial Arts Classes and what that might entail, including the above possible risks as identified – and any other potential injuries, such as accidental contact during sparring, concussion, breaks and others. These are very uncommon – but they could occur. Please ensure you’re happy to assume the inherent risks that come with training in martial arts.

You are welcome and encouraged to speak to your instructor if you’re not completely at ease with the risks being assumed, or not completely confident about what our classes entail.

having read in full the above assumption of risk disclosure, confirm that I am happy and willing to accept the assumption of risks as presented and do so with a clear understanding of this class, and any other subsequent classes potential for injury or harm. I have done so in my own confidence and wish to participate without warranty or guarantee.